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30 Days of Giving for 30 Years of Biologics Consulting

September 1, 2023  •  News
Posted In Other News & Insights

Thirty years ago, Biologics Consulting Group, Inc. was started in Alexandria, Virginia. It has always been a special place for us and for our business. Even as our consultants work remotely and travel all over the world Alexandria, Virginia has always been a constant at Biologics Consulting. Biologics Consulting was founded on the premise that biotechnology, medical devices, and pharmaceuticals hold the promise for a better future for everyone and that is why we will be supporting Carpenter’s Shelter for our 30 days of Giving for 30 Years at Biologics drive. Read below to learn more about why Carpenter’s Shelter’s mission is close to our hearts or visit

Over the past 35 years, Carpenter’s Shelter has evolved from a small group of concerned citizens providing bedding on cold nights in a church basement into a leader in finding solutions that permanently end and prevent homelessness. Their comprehensive services meet the immediate needs of families and individuals experiencing homelessness while the essential programs and ongoing support offered help them work toward permanent homes where adults are stable, and children can grow and thrive. Carpenter’s Shelter is open 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, and serves more than 600 children, women, and men each year. 

You can make a difference in the lives of hundreds of homeless children, women, and men in our community by helping Biologics reach our goal of $3,030. You can rest assured that your generosity will have TWICE the impact, as Biologics will be matching your donation dollar for dollar! To make a tax-deductible donation to Carpenter’s Shelter, fill out the form below. Thank you for giving hope for a brighter future! To make a gift by mail, send your check payable to Carpenter’s Shelter to Monise W. Quidley, 930 N. Henry St., Alexandria, VA 22314. To make a gift by phone, please call 703-548-7500 ext. 204. 

Click this link to make your donation!